National Chaplain of the Year Award 


At the National Council of Administration workshop held on Sunday, August 27, 2016 provisional approval was given to move forward in presenting a National Chaplain of the Year Award.
The following criteria will constitute the basis for nominations, and a proposed procedure and timeline to receive nominations for this award.

Chaplain of the Year Criteria 1. Performance of Duties: A. Exemplary character and conduct: e.g., A person of upmost integrity, professional execution of duties, dependability, punctuality, and timely submission of reports, etc. B. Exemplary performance above and beyond the normal expectations of the position and duties. 2. Personal attitude which is positive and professional in all contacts with others and which represents the VFW and the Department in the best possible way. 3. Commitment to the ministry and duties of the Chaplain, as reflected by service to comrades and their families and responsiveness to needs. 4. A member of the VFW in good standing with the Post, District, and Department.

Review Committee Composition and Instructions 1. A committee assembled by the National Chaplain will review nominations for the award and recommend a recipient. 2. The committee shall include: A. The National Chaplain B. Three Past National Chaplains C. The most recent past recipient of the Chaplain of the Year Award. 3. Instructions to the Committee A. The committee shall follow procedures and criteria as outlined in this document. However, if no candidates are nominated or judged by the committee to meet the criteria for Chaplain of the Year, the committee shall not recommend a recipient. B. All proceedings of the committee must be kept strictly confidential. C. The National Chaplain will review with the National Commander and the National Adjutant General the recommendation for Chaplain of the Year prior to announcing the award recipient.

The following procedure is recommended for receiving and reviewing nominations: 1. Information concerning this award will be distributed to the National Council of Administration each year following the National Council of Administration August meeting. The members of the National COA can then present this information to their respective Department Commanders and Adjutants when they give their report. 2. The National Chaplain will email information concerning the Chaplain of the Year Award, and begin to solicit nominations from Department Commanders and Adjutants, beginning in October. 3. All nominations should be submitted to the National Chaplain by April 1. Nomination letters should be emailed, faxed, or sent USPS to the National Chaplain. Contact information is listed below. 4. A nomination shall address the above criteria and shall not exceed two type written pages. 5. The committee shall review each nomination according to the selected criteria and recommend a recipient by April 30th. 6. The National Chaplain will review the Committee’s recommendation for Chaplain of the Year with the National Adjutant General. 7. The Chaplain of the Year Award will be presented at the recipients Department Convention. 8. The National Chaplain will notify the respective Department, and if feasible, request attendance to present the award. 9. The recipient’s Department will notify the recipient of the National Chaplain of the Year Award and request attendance at the Department Convention to receive the award.

Rev. Jim Jenkins

National Chaplain

Veterans of Foreign Wars

647 N Nettleton Ave

Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-302-7620


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